
“If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't.”

Micheal Polan

Diet and Alzheimer's

For Apoe4 carriers, diet should be a top priority in your fight against Alzheimer’s.  Apoe4 carriers and non-carriers metabolize food differently.  It is important to understand how we respond to fat and other macronutrients so that we can optimize our diets in order to reduce our risks of Alzheimer’s disease.  
High amounts of sugar is a big contributing factor to Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is often called diabetes type three because insulin resistance is such a critical component of the disease.  Do you want hard numbers?  Well, here they are: 81% of Alzheimer’s patients either have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.  If you want to avoid Alzheimer’s you must get a handle on your sugar intake.  Therefore, all the diets described will limit sugar in one way or another.1

Science Based Alzheimer's Diet Information

This is a science driven website.  Therefore everything discussed here is backed up with the appropriate references to the scientific paper which the information came from.  This section of the website isn’t about the newest fad diet that you might find scattered throughout the internet.  The diets and foods that we’ll be covering are all backed up by data.  Some of the data is better than others, but if you read through the sections below you will have a good understanding of which foods to eat and which foods to avoid.  One person might choose a different diet than another person and the information provided below will help you make an informed decision for yourself.

Alzheimer's General Info:

Alzheimer’s disease is a complicated disease and scientists are still working hard on trying to figure it all out.  Click below for the current understanding of Alzheimer’s disease.    

This site is here to help you, but we also need your help.